Suggested locations by Kassel locals:
Weinberg-KrugView Map
BürgerstolzaView Map
TRA.FOView Map &
TRA.FO is housed in a makeshift concrete building for art and music performances. The building was originally an electric station, hence the German name trafo (transformer in English).
Hall Of FameView Map

“Hall of Fame” is located below a large bridge that crosses the river "Fulda". The location is used by street bikers and skaters, and includes fantastic graffiti art. A recent event called “Mai Jam” is organized around internationally celebrated graffiti artists and musicians who travel to this location to showcase their talents annually.
Unofficial ParkView Map

Located at top of the Weinbergterrassen (vineyard terraces)
There has been a dispute over the development of this spot between wealthy investors and the local residents who have been using this ‘undeveloped land’ as part of their walk through the terraces. An activist group in the city is currently fighting to include the land as part of the terraces and off limits to investors. We feel that since the organizers of documenta(13) exhibited sculptures on the terraces as part of the exhibition, there should have been some support from the curator/organizers of the fight to retain this lot as an extension of the park.
Lego-person Graffiti
Blog entry by anonymous person:
“There is a lego-graffiti at the wall of the bridge near the location of the 'bunker' entry."
KarlsAue ParkView Map
Mountain-park “Wilhelmshöhe"View Map
(Not off the beaten path but mentioned by many locals)
The Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe is a unique park considered to be "the most grandiose combination of landscape and architecture that the Baroque dared anywhere." The area of the park is 2.4 square kilometers (590 acres), making it the largest European hillside park. Construction began in 1696 and took about 150 years.